Aug 30, 2008

Aug 29, 2008

Nicholas Hoult By Kai Z Feng

Sabe, Eu Concordo Plenamente com a minha Colega de Blog, que O Nicholas nao é o homem mais bonito nem de longe, que deixa muito a desejar, que poderia ser melhor, e que realmente, as fotos dele ou sao 8 ou sao 80, mas ele nao é de todo feio, por isso vamos dividir as fotos entre as duas primeiras e as duas ultimas...
Se eu realmente fosse conhecer o ator pela primeira vez com as duas fotos de baixo, provavelmente seria a ultima vez que eu ia querer ver ele na vida...mas as duas fotos de cima....
Bem as duas fotos de cima, dao vontade de conhecer um pouco mais nao acham?...
Bem seja como for isso me lembra que eu encontrei com ele Em Janeiro, se nao me engano no Metro em Londres direito a mochilada e tudo, diz ele que foi sem querer rs...mas eu deixo, pelas duas primeiras fotos eu ate deixo a mochilada rs....
Agora , sinceramente, 5:40 da manha, eu tenho academia as 9, e eu nao consigo dormir....isso nao pode acabar bem...pelo menos fiz algo de util, espero que gostem da gostei....

UPDATE: O.o sabe eu nunca escrevi essa palavra antes, eu me pergunto se eu nao escrevi errado...

Seja como For as 5:52 ver de sono na lembrei do Seriado que ele Protagonizou com outros garotos e garotas....

Ai vai o trailer da Primeira e Segunda Temporada Respectivamente

Alex Pettyfer

Pois é....nao gostei....

US5 Interview

BRAVO Interview

The exit of Chris was a shock for the fans, but not only for them, also for the 4 other guys.While BRAVO asks the guys who told them about Chris his exit Jay answers:"No one. No one told us in personal. We had a show on saturday in Düsseldorf and then he went home to Cologne. On monday we recieved a fax that was saying that Chris ended his contract and that he would tell the press. That's it. Since then his mobile phones are blocked."Richie adds: "He didn't even say goodbye. It's such a shock!"Jay did recieved a letter from Chris, but he says: "I can't read it yet. For that i'm too dissapointed.On the question how the guys feel right now, Richie answers: "I'm so sad, it feels like my brother died."Vince adds: "I'm just speechless.." and Izzy: "He just left us and the fans. This is not how it's supose to be."Chris did acted a little bit different the last day he was with the guys. Richie: "After the show, he friendly slaped my knee and looked at me at a strange way. At that time I didn't understand, but now.."Izzy adds: "He was a bit quit, but i just thought he was tired just like all of us.""The last couple of monts he wasn't really happy, but i thought he had family problems" Richie says.When Bravo asks the guys if Chris ever mentioned that he was thinking about quiting, Vince says: "He did tell me that he wanted to go back to school."Richie adds: "Everyone of us has bad times. At those times you're doubting if the band is the right thing for you. I knew Chris was stressed and depressed, but talking about it was hard. Chris didn't open up."When Bravo asks Jay if he thinks Chris really has a burn-out, Jay answers: "No. He simply doesn't like his job anymore."Jay did know that Chris was in psychiatric treatment, but according to him, so is he and so is Richie. "it's normal when you're, during a job, in a emotional rollercoaster." says Jay. Richie adds: "It hurts me that he didn't come to me. I wish that I could've said anything. I would've been there for him. I wish that I could've talked to him. But he's gone. That really broke my heart. All our hearts."Richie also thinks that his exit has to do with his family. He says: "I think this parents didn't stand behind him and his job. I had the feeling that his dad didn't understand him. That's hard for a young artist."On Chris saying that US5 'destroyed his life Richie says: "That hurts me. It makes me think that I did something to him."Jay adds: "I can't believe he said that. Chris and I were like brothers. When I read the fax I could see that Chris had been with his lawyer for weeks. it was all planned! I told him that he could always come to me if he needed someone. He decieved me. I think he had so much succes in such a short time. He had a wrong image about the real life he wished for."Also Izzy adds: "We all wanted in the band. No one forced him. Our life is not bad, us5 gave him his life. he made good money."Vince adds: "I also can't understand. I'm the new guy in the band and I feel the opposite. I don't know why he would say something like that."On what the guys would miss most about Chris, Izzy says: "We miss the old Chris. The one who wouldn't do such a selfish thing. The one who was a teamplayer. He betrayed the fans. On his birthday we sang "happy Birthday" to him and the fans gave him presents, but he didn't even bring them with him. That's Disrespectful."if the guys could say one last thing to him Richie would say: "Chris, I wish that you would've said something to me. I wish I could've helped you. I wished that I could've been the person that stands beside you. And i'm really sorry. Whatever it is that went wrong."Jay adds: "I'm the last person who forced you to anything. I was the first one who took your hand to make you happy. I feel that you let me and the fans down. What Chris did is betrayal."Vince adds: "I'm happy that i've got to know you. I thank you for everything you've taught me."Izzy adds: "Chris, I hope you'll be happy. And that you'll one day act like an adult. So you'll understand that the way you left us is wrong!"About the future, Jay says that they will keep on going. Maybe they'll search for a new member. Someone who the fans will respect.

Aug 20, 2008

Até Logo Chris Watrin...

Choque total para todos os fãs...Apos 3 Anos Chris Watrin esta deixando Us5.Na revista Revista Alema BILD, ele declarou "Eu estou fisicamente e psicologicamente no fim, a meses eu nao sinto mais prazer nenhum".

Ele tb disse "Algumas vezes eu encenei um papel, eu nao possuia vida social, Nao havia ninguem para quem eu pudesse me abrir quando precisava". Chris dizia lentamente, seus olhos pareciam cansados, e ele lutava contra as lagrimas que queriam vir enquanto dava a entrevista,"Eu simplesmente nao consigo mais sair da cama, eu me sinto impotente, sem forças"

Chris agora esta sob tratamento psiquiatrico " Foi dificil de admitir, mas eu percebi entao que eu nao poderia mais fingir" Os medicos deram a ele a sugestao de parar imediatamente,pois continuar alem, apenas arruinaria a ele mesmo.

Para BILD ele acrescentou "Eu nao quero mais trabalhar com musicas" , Estaremos ouvindo em breve dos garotos como tudo continuara daqui para frente.

Chris: Bem para ele, eu estou me sentindo muito triste no momento como muito de seus fãs, triste pq ele esta deixando a banda, mas mais triste ainda pq ele esta se sentindo tao mal, me machuca saber q ele esta sofrendo tanto, e eu realmente espero que tudo melhore para ele, e o mais cedo possivel, pois queremos seu melhor, e agradecemos do fundo do coraçao pelos 3 belissimos anos que compartilhou de sua vida conosco, boa sorte no futuro, e em sua vida pessoal, e naquilo que decidir em sua vida aqui na frente, e estara eternamente na memoria de todos os seus fãs...boa sorte...e até logo...

Aug 19, 2008

Alex Pettyfer

Ultima foto com a versão dele morena xD